Before you join
What to expect before you join us
Your first day is near, we hope you’re SUPER excited! Before you get started, here’s what to expect as you prepare for the big day.
Fantastic news! You've been offered a position with Lidl
Your new line manager or a member of our Talent Acquisitions team has already contacted you with the details of your offer and your start date.
Your offer letter
The next step is to read and sign your offer letter. If you have any questions, our Talent Acquisitions team or your new line manager is available to help.
Welcome Call with Your Line Manager
Your line manager will be giving you a Welcome Call before you join Lidl. It’s the perfect opportunity to ask any questions and gather all the details you need for a smooth start!
Getting to Know Lidl
Look out for an email with details about your first day at Lidl and the documents you'll need to bring. Your first day will include a Welcome Event where you'll get to know more about life at Lidl.
All set and ready to Lidl!
Your first day at your new store is here! We're excited to welcome you to the team. Your learning buddy and store team will be there to support your training during your first couple of weeks.