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Your training

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The training you will receive

Our New Hire Training Plan is designed for all new Team Members joining Lidl. It is designed to give you all the knowledge and skills required to work effectively. During your onboarding journey, you will be supported along the way by your mentor and Line Manager to make sure you can perform at your best or answer any questions you may have.

Training topics covered:

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Data Privacy

Discover the specific risks for IT and related groups with access to personal information in this training! This module will highlight the risks associated with your role and best practices to avoid violations of data privacy laws and data protection standards.
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Core Compliance

This course aims to help Team Members across all departments recognize common areas of corruption and fraud, ensuring we mitigate legal and ethical risks for our business.
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Flexible Work

This training will guide you through Lidl US' Flexible Work Policy and share best practices for working remotely.